Sorry about the lack of updates in the summer, but honestly not too much to report on then, however now that is not the case. I am now settled in Fuzhou, China ( a city of about 7 million or so inhabitants) working an incredibly fun and satisfying job as an English teacher. China is crazy and amazing and every day seems like a new adventure. It is simultaneously exotic and familiar at once. I could ramble on a million different things about how I love China, but I'd go on forever. The only drawback so far is that Fuzhou is not the place for live music, apparently that's more big in more Western cities like Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing... so for the time live music isn't an option, unless I figure out a way to find a scene, or perhaps start one. Apparently people are telling me that a laowai (the affectionate Chinese word for "foreigner") band here would make a killing. Something to think about. Anywho, I think instead of doing something tedious like doing a blog for China, or just posting my China related stuff on here, I might just do a monthly or so podcast, as I find that would be more interesting than reading another Wordpress page or something. And that also gives me the opportunity to use Logic and recording stuff more.
The job is great and satisfying, but most important to myself, it provides a lot of time to focus on my true goals: music composition. I have plenty of time to compose or to slowly build up my understanding of programs like Logic Pro X or Finale 2014. I've been working on numerous projects, and compositionally I have two new ideas in the works. I'm pretty decently along with a TTBB vocal arrangement, and now I'm starting up the workings for a string quartet. And now that I have Logic and all the proper materials for audio production, I'm starting to practice musical scoring production on there too. I forgot that No Country for Old Men did not have a soundtrack, and so I'm excited to make practice demo tracks over such a great film. I'll also probably make a Youtube page for music as to have another way of people checking out outside of here or soundcloud. MOST IMPORTANTLY: THE CONTROL GROUP (THE FILM WHOSE MUSIC I SCORED) WILL MAKE ITS FILM DEBUT AT THE TWIN CITIES FILM FESTIVAL (LOCATED AT THE SHOWPLACE ICON THEATER IN ST. LOUIS PARK, MINNEAPOLIS, MN) ON OCTOBER 22ND, 2014 AT 830 PM !!! Those of you in the area can buy tickets here to see the film: and check out the trailer here: Which means... sooner or later I will have news of a soundtrack to give to you all!! til then/bis dann/ 再见 Tony
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