Originally I wrote this back in 2013-2014 for use in my senior composition recital. Looking back at some of the pieces I wrote then I decided to revise a lot of them because I like the ideas that I had back then, but I really lacked a lot of the skill I've developed over the last several years, and so I chose to flesh them out a bit more. This piece, like more other pieces can be purchased at jwpepper.com , partsandscore.com , as well as sheetmusicplus.com .
Watch video on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/Y9IEfu6MtxY by Anthony Bannach Music
As a Logic Pro X User, I've never been one to memorize to many keyboard shortcuts, which unfortunately made my workflow not so top-notch. For computer illiterate people like myself, using Elgato's Stream Deck as a Control Surface to do many functions inside Logic really speeds up your music sessions. This is a video that shows you how I created a Logic Pro X Profile for the Stream Deck, and the many features that before would require searching through menus or remembering a dictionary's worth of key commands, now all accessible with the press of a labeled button on the Stream Deck's screen! I hope this video shows how useful the Stream Deck is for Logic Pro X. If you aren't interested in doing all the programming / setup to get your Stream Deck working with Logic Pro X, I have all the Stream Deck Profiles I've created (including this Logic Pro X profile on this video) available for my patrons on Patreon. If this sounds more appealing to you, please consider subscribing to me on Patreon: https://ift.tt/342x5nO
Watch video on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/7T-K84kUeMc by Anthony Bannach Music
First of all apologies if the video quality dips here and there, I'm still in the process of getting used to exporting video from premiere pro and figuring out about video compression settings. I'm quite a newbie at that type of thing. Ok, so if you are like me, you were insanely excited about the Finale JetStream plug-in developed for the Elgato Stream Deck. The Stream Deck is a cool device that although designed for people doing game streaming, can be used for limitless possibilities, including music making. The Jetstream application for the Stream Deck is a huuuuge workflow booster, and it makes using Finale and the whole composing/arranging process on Finale so much more fun and smooth. For PC users, I don't know how much of this video you will find useful, as the workaround I've developed is by using Keyboard Maestro, a Mac only program. I'm hoping it might give you some ideas on similar PC automation programs. In any case, when I pressed some of the buttons on the Stream Deck the first time using it, many of the buttons didn't run the attached Applescripts that would make JW LUA operate. But I found a way to get the Jetstream Controller working to it's full capacity by using Keyboard Maestro macros and a Stream Deck plug-in called KM Link to replicate all the necessary functions and more in my Jetstream Current Profile. This video details a workaround for you are having the same problems with Finale and the (Mac) Jetstream Finale Controller. Jetstream Finale Controller site: https://ift.tt/3arAPAc KM Link: https://ift.tt/31MiIRu Keyboard Maestro: https://ift.tt/1PmmBlP Elgato Streamdeck: https://ift.tt/2nW0tEI And if you don't feel like doing all of this busy work yourself, you can download all the necessary macros, my Jetstream Finale Profile, and other cool Stream Deck Profiles I've made if you become a patron of mine on Patreon. My Patreon: https://ift.tt/342x5nO
Watch video on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/Vu8lH6XfqAw by Anthony Bannach Music Here's a demo reel of some the film projects I've worked on over the years. The first two scenes are from my score of the 2017 horror film, "The Control Group.", which had my score produced by Michael Teoli. (Footage Courtesy of Point and Shoot Productions / Wild Eye Releasing). The next scene is my entry to the Spitfire Audio Westworld Scoring Competition. (Footage courtesy of HBO via Spitfire's competition). The last three scenes are from two open-source movies "Elephant's Dream" and "Tears of Steel". Open-source films (also known as open-content films and free-content films) are films which are produced and distributed by using free and open-source and open content methodologies. Their sources are freely available and the licenses used meet the demands of the Open Source Initiative (OSI) in terms of freedom. As such, I have a few of these where I've scored most of the project, so I'll probably post a few of the versions I've scored of these OS videos here on my channel. Here is a place to contact me if you have interest in my music for whatever you may be working on: Anthony Bannach's Fiverr Account First off, it's been over a year and so much has happened since I last wrote in this. First, I moved to BEIJING! This is exciting to me for so many reasons, but above all, it is such a good place for me to be musically, as now I live in a place where I can constantly meet musicians and get involved in musical projects. I've hung with some Italian jazz musicians Simone Schurre and Antonio Fusco who are incredibly talented and creative, and hopefully I will have a piece or two in the future for them, as I would like to try to venture into jazz composition a bit. I've sung with the International Festival Choir for an ANZAC day performance at the Australian Embassy. I've also met cool rock musicians around the area, and one group I've become a HUGE fan of is XIAO WANG, a band that has only been going on for about a year now, and I can't wait until they final record an album. I'm also doing work as a conductor the Ark Children's Choir, which has been an incredible experience for me for multiple reasons, and am looking forward to our final concert on July 6th before I head home for the summer holiday.
But biggest news.... My newest piece, STRING QUARTET NO.1 will be debuting at AOTU SPACE on June 30th at 8PM! I am sooo excited for this because it will be the first public debut of a piece since 2014 and because it will be performed by some of China's best young talent. The MOCC4 quartet is made up of students from the Chinese Conservatory of Music (a place I am hoping to apply to study for my masters), the best music school in the whole country! More details coming soon! Tony It's been way too long since I've updated this but I will get to that soon! But for now, I'm excited to say after 3 long years of work, The Control Group, my debut film score is now available to see and the soundtrack is also now available for purchase! I'm incredibly proud and excited for this achievement, hopefully the first of many more scoring opportunities. Links to purchase the film and the soundtrack are on the home page of the site. Please consider helping out a developing composer! It'd mean the world to me!
Thanks for staying along, Tony I'm excited to say that after a year of crude recording, mixing, and mastering, I've completed my first album: Emotionale Landschaften. It's available now on CD Baby.com for 6 bucks for the album and 99 cents per track. It will in the coming days be available on other digital music distribution platforms like Itunes, Spotify, Amazon MP3, Tidal, etc. Here is a quick excerpt about the album from the CD baby album page:
Following composing works for concert music, Anthony always wanted to make an album of "sound worlds",and pieces that were experimental, exploratory and meditative in nature. With "Emotionale Landschaften" (German for "emotional landscapes"), Anthony drew inspiration specifically from the works of Bjork, Brian Eno, Hisham Akira Bharoocha, Colin Stetson, Pharoah Sanders, and Ryoji Ikeda, all of whom made albums with lush instrumentation, experimental musical methods, and uncompromising vision. Using saxophone, vocals, and synthesizers as the main textural colors in his music pallet, Bannach uses these as the foundation point of his driven and experimental sonic painting. I can't wait to see the response, good or bad, haha. Also if you buy it, thanks a million, as I always appreciate the cash! (and you know, supporting my music). Cheers, Tony Hello everyone! Sorry for the long time since updating about my happenings. First off, I hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Years! I spent the last third of 2015 in the city of Hangzhou, China; a lovely cultural city home to the famous Xihu (West Lake) and other cool Chinese cultural sites. I'm teaching English at a university there that treats me unbelievably well. Pretty sure I'll resign a contract for next year. The best thing about this gig is I have SO much free time. So much time to study Chinese, music theory/orchestration, and what I've been binge-studying lately: audio recording/Logic Pro X techniques. For people wanting to learn audio recording stuff, check out MusicTechHelpGuy 's Youtube channel. I can't recommend it enough. He has an excellent way of demonstrating concepts and is very clear and concise in his explanations. So I have been studying that religiously, and while I'm waiting for some procedural/bureaucratic things to take place with The Control Group soundtrack and the Forest Heart game, I've been busily working away at a little pet project of mine, that is almost finished. Also I have a new youtube channel now, and I have an interesting concept for a composition series I'm going to try to put up on it soon.
Stay tuned Tony ![]() At long last after much waiting and wondering The Control Group, directed by Peter Hurd and the music scored by myself, finally has a distribution deal with Wild Eye Releasing ! This means that since it's debut at the Minneapolis Film Festival last October, the film will receive a limited theatrical release, DVD distribution, and release on various Video on Demand services including Amazon Instant Video, Redbox, AND NETFLIX. Cool stuff! This means also that in the coming weeks I will have more information regarding the release of the Soundtrack for the film, which is independent from the aforementioned deal (but production of said soundtrack couldn't gain traction until a deal was done.) I'm super excited for this, as this is a chance for people all over to see the hard work people put into the film, and listen to the music from my first time scoring for a feature film. It's been a while since this last post so I've got more. The past 6 months has been interesting for me compositionally, learning how to write music on Logic Pro X, and utilizing that for both classical and media compositions, the main compositional project of mine being working as part of the music team for the indie game Forest Heart, developed by Green Dot Games, a company made out of an eclectic mix of passionate freelancers and internet loungers not too unlike myself. It has been a very amazing experience working for this project and for working with a group of about 8 composers from the US, Canada, and various parts of Europe. At times it has been a bit frustrating because of conflicts of creative vision, as all collaborations at some point must develop. But overall the focus of the team is very good and the creative drive is strong in this project, and it is an absolute pleasure to be a part of. For more information on the project you can find many updates on imgur.com, where most of the games employees first heard about the project. FH July Update April Update March Update January Update December 2014 Update and you can also go to the Forest Heart Youtube Channel page to see more game related content including lots of music from the composition team. Here is a music compilation from April that has one of my tracks: In addition to this I'm working on a solo saxophone suite, and a string quartet, in addition to continually trying to improve my recording/audio engineering skills. But I'm also working on something special.... but that won't happen for a while yet. Anywho, I'm out of Fuzhou in September to a much, much bigger gig teaching college students in Hangzhou, China. Also this is so much better because this city actually has an artistic and musical soul. China's biggest and most prestigious art academy is here and they have tons of music joints including jazz clubs (which may not sound like a lot but comparing it to the cultural wasteland that is Fuzhou, it is a lot!) . Also have almost finished a self-portrait in oils, and it looks alright I think. That's swell, I think. Alright, that is the happenings, cool, cool stuff. Til next time,
Tony First off Happy New Year! I hope all is well with everyone. Here in China is good, just teaching kids and working on music, and starting to figure out how to oil paint. Since The Control Group's debut this site has laid dormant, so I thought I'd just quick let everyone know that within the week I have my classical pieces all up and ready for purchase, and that I'm working with a team of great composers on a new video game in conceptual stages called (working title) Forest Heart. It's a really cool, internet-community driven idea, that I've been really excited to work on. For more info check out the imgur post that describes what it's about, as well as contains links to all of its social media handles so you can keep up on the news about it. http://imgur.com/gallery/v7xov Also here is a demo reel of some of the work we've produced for the game, with my piece being at the very end of the reel: Anywho, thanks for reading, til next time,
Tony |
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